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HowlingScythe @howolingscythe
HowlingScythe @howolingscythe
I forgot about this site again lul

HowlingScythe @howolingscythe
HowlingScythe @howolingscythe
Wow 2018 is taking some hard hitting deaths.

HowlingScythe @howolingscythe
HowlingScythe @howolingscythe
Wow totally forgot about this site
Best Waifus/Husbandos

HowlingScythe @howolingscythe
commented on
Best Waifus/Husbandos
HowlingScythe @howolingscythe
Currently it has to be Acxa from Voltron Legendary Defender. (if that counts)
What anime made you LOL the hardest?!

HowlingScythe @howolingscythe
commented on
What anime made you LOL the hardest?!
HowlingScythe @howolingscythe
Obviously it has to be Gintama. It's too funny.