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EverRedScott ג'יימס @kuro7respect
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EverRedScott ג'יימס @kuro7respect
Homika, nice to meet you. I don't know if you're new in Maiotaku, but if you are, Welcome to Maiotaku.
Mind if I add you?

Homika @homika
Homika @homika

Felt like getting a new outfit in PSO2. Not gonna be changing this for awhile since it's really pretty.

Homika @homika
Homika @homika
Some relaxing music, chocolate and warm blankets really help on a cold night like this.
Does anyone roleplay anymore?

Homika @homika
commented on
Does anyone roleplay anymore?
Homika @homika
I do it with friends sometimes. Helps keep creative juices flowing for when I need to write a story later.
Anime english subbed or dubbed?

Homika @homika
commented on
Anime english subbed or dubbed?
Homika @homika
I don't mind either subbed or dubbed. But I will watch a dub if it has some of my favortite English VAs like Crispin Freeman.