Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Bro your rengar needs a little work we def should play more matches together i will help you get better c: you have the potential to be a great rengar
Aerone @aerone <<<<Plays Rengar a lot.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Well for me its more about me losing lane of i lose lane its my fault i lost lane unless of course i get ganked by enemy jungler more than once and it gets to the point its like omfg what is my jungler doing on the bot side dying anyway instead of helping me on top. I say pushing under your own tower makes it easier to catch the person cause you have the top laner from one side and the jungler on the other so the only way out of it is either flash or running off to the side toward jungle. Pushing under enemy turret is stupid in any scenario cause turret damage increases with every hit plus your taking fire from enemy champ. I dont feel like all the blame should be on the jungler unless you know the enemy jungler is putting pressure on you and your jungler isnt helping
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
See here is the thing people dont know how to properly gank rather than to gank while they are in the middle of lane you gank while they are under your turret that way the chances of them escaping are harder. Cause usually if they are right in front of the river and you appear out of the river they can just run back to tower and gank pretty much failed but if you push when they are under your tower its much harder and maybe you can get a flash out of them. Idk how to jungle tbh like the most i can fight is two minions before having to teleport back for health. Lol usually i forget to get pots before leaving base XD as a top laner i never get any potions i feel i dont need them. But i tried jungling as darius and i can pretty much take down the drake by myself. And i took down the frog guy by myself without a leash or smite. But yeah i believe jungler is the most important role right next to mid lane cause its the jungler's job to make sure team mates arent losing lanes and its mid's job to to handle lane while under pressure. Cause you can be ganked from either side
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Yeah see XD they get mad at me cause when everyone is off team fighting im over here pushing up top or bot. I dont focus on mid infact i avoid mid. Most i would do is clear minion wave for them if they are being crowded with minions and just help gank outer lane. i just help gank then go back to my lane but this is only in a good match. In a bad match im at 20 mins and still stuck in top lane still battling it out with the enemy top. The only way out of that is either for me to leave lane or get help from jungler. Like dude sometimes i wish i could jungle. Seems like the easiest job if you know what to do. Farm minions get their buffs and then help gank lanes that are having trouble. Most people i see jungling in normal matches just jungle and dont help at all they sometimes dont even get dragon
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Here is my thing if your gonna go mid know how to play dude like you dont know how crucial mid is. Cause i can assure you no matter what once team fights start happening they always push mid first. They may push like top or bottom then move on to mid but mid is like everyone's main focus for some reason so when that lane falls there isnt much you can do. I leave a match when im doing my best but my team mates are just bad like no help whatsoever they solo against 3 different members stuff like that. But ik what you mean although this is aram i had a match where we went to like the lowest ampunt of health on our nexus aced everyone cleared minions and i backdoored enemy team
❀Sunflower❀ @sunflower Omg panda giving advice owo
Aerone @aerone One hit left on my nexus...aced their team....took inhib..took nexus. Winning.
Veru @verucassault Plus mid is the shortest distance from A to B. I like mid but I suck at it.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Lololol you got lower priority queue? XD dude when your getting beat so bad it isnt fun lol and what sucks is your team mates know you arent gonna win but make you sit through the whole match. If you at least stood a chance and the game was back and forth then it would be fun but damn when we are losing bad i kinda just hit alt F4
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Yeah cause i was wondering why she was so bad. At least with darius if you know what your doing you can win easy. But yeah idk of i can come on rn its almost 6 pm here too i cant go on yet though
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Just let me know what time dude and i will be on XD if your on maybe after 11 thats pretty much when everyone goes to bed here so wont be anymore leaving matches XD but yeah riven is like worse than garbage like they built her around the though of a garbage champ and created something way worse than that like holy hell dude. No matter what i put on riven i do horrible with her. In aram i swear i save my rerolls for whenever i get her its just that bad dude. I mean i feel they should balance the champs. When you buff one champ and nerf another your just ruining the champ for people who main that champ. Cause then you start to see the increase in that one buffed champ and a decrease of the other champ. Yeah you can always just play and get used to the champ but idk i dont think its really fair when you have a champ that requires skill to play cause of their nerf vs a champ that will just beat you cause they can
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
They need to stop with these nerfs they destroy the good champs and ignore the ones that are really broken. Like volibear's bite can take half your health away and you cant build against it cause its true damage. Then dont get me started on kindred. They need to make it so that if your gonna nerf a champ at least make them playable cause they nerf them and the champs die. Yorrick you dont see anyone playing dont see anyone playing rumble, dont see anyone playing riven and why? Cause they are trash now. I will keep that in mind dude of i lost lane just move on and wait until they are out of lane so i can farm
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Dude maybe i should do what i can and split off and help other lanes i was stuck in the idea that if they take your tower and you lose lane you just became a burden on your team cause thats one less turret to push. through to get tp your inhib. But maybe staying in lane isnt the best idea. If i could just get like maybe a friend who was good a jungle to play with me every match that will help gank whenever i need it and not fail so hard and end up feeding. I will get a hang of it XD i feel i just rushed into this game i came a long way tho. I used to build the wrong items on everyone