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BassGuitarDan @bassguitardan
left a comment for
Himura Kenshin
BassGuitarDan @bassguitardan
Merry Christmas

xkatiex @xkatiedidx
left a comment for
Himura Kenshin
xkatiex @xkatiedidx
i've been good! just working on my holo cosplay before classes start in September. how have you been? i hope you are enjoying the rest of your summer!a

Naoko @naoko
left a comment for
Himura Kenshin
Naoko @naoko
You were so awesome at jafax! I was the one in the overalls that talked to you by the tree if ya remember. Gotta love kenshin cosplays. So rare.
Jan 28-30
Volunteer. Jun 25-26
Industry. Aug 12-14