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hemhem @hemhem
hemhem @hemhem
Not sure if you still go on here but I've been there solo trip. Instead of going there for just Akihibara and anime/manga, I decided to split up the 2 weeks there by staying 3 days tokyo, then a day in an old village on the way to kyoto. When I reached kyoto (spent 3 days there) visited nara park (a deer park for 1 day). I skipped osaka because time constraint and headed to hiroshima for half a day and then a day at miyajima island. I then went back to tokyo and spend w/e days i had left getting merchandises. All I in all it was a pretty fun experience seeing as much of Japan as I could. If you ever want to go i highly recommend going either April or Early November. Those are the best weather imo. :)

hemhem @hemhem
hemhem @hemhem
I would think that 7/10 time a guy would be into an anime while a girl ratio would be more like 2/10? From personal experience..
dating apps

chibialexa @chibialexa
commented on
dating apps
chibialexa @chibialexa
i don't know how you find guys that are into anime, because i can't find them :))

hemhem @hemhem
hemhem @hemhem
Well I think it varies. A smile is probably the first thing I find really attractive about someone. You can be ugly, attractive, short or tall it doesn't matter to me. If you can let out a genuine smile or laughter I find that very attractive. Then again, looks do matter somewhat since that's what also another factor in attraction.
Hanging out at Cons

hemhem @hemhem
Hanging out at Cons
hemhem @hemhem
I've been to only few cons couple of time and comic con la twice. Anyone here from california would like to talk about cosplay making or anime in general ?
Oct 26-28
Jan 9-12
Apr 10-12
Jul 3-4