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Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
Hey holmes what do you think about the new code geass?

bird mama @leia
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bird mama @leia
For sure! I'm not much good at Fortnite but it could be a laugh. ^^ Do you play on PS4??

mitsundere @mitsundere
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mitsundere @mitsundere
hihi! Thanks for the request and yeah feel free pm me I'm always down to meet new people!
All inputs appreciated

hawksenpai @hawksenpai
All inputs appreciated
hawksenpai @hawksenpai
How do you all think Mai Otaku is working when it comes to dating? Personally I believe it's very hard to find a match then half the time you have to carry the conversation or get ghosted. Sometimes I wonder if anyone has found dates or potential love interests! What do you all think though, give me your thoughts!
Last one to post here wins

hawksenpai @hawksenpai
commented on
Last one to post here wins
hawksenpai @hawksenpai
My entire being is comprised of everyones violence and I am the manifestation of said violence