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haseo1993 @haseo1993
haseo1993 @haseo1993
FINALLY moved into the new house!

ruryminamoto @ruryminamoto
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ruryminamoto @ruryminamoto
That sucks. :\ At least it isn't that much longer, though.

ruryminamoto @ruryminamoto
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ruryminamoto @ruryminamoto
Where are you moving if I may ask?
So does anyone on here actually use the "dating" aspect?

haseo1993 @haseo1993
commented on
So does anyone on here actually use the "dating" aspect?
haseo1993 @haseo1993
I joined for the dating aspect, but I've had absolutely no luck so far. Hell, I haven't even really found people to talk to either. I might just close my account soon since this doesn't seem to be going anywhere whatsoever.
What's the reason you're single?

haseo1993 @haseo1993
commented on
What's the reason you're single?
haseo1993 @haseo1993
Because I only attract desperate girls who are looking for someone to keep them company until they can find a guy who's actually worth their time. All I want is someone who legitimately loves me despite my numerous faults and won't just leave me for some other guy, but apparently that's too much to ask.