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Happy Otaku Girl @happyotakugirl
Happy Otaku Girl @happyotakugirl
Kitty ver of Syo!^^

Happy Otaku Girl @happyotakugirl
Happy Otaku Girl @happyotakugirl
Syo can be awesome and cute!^^
What is the 1st anime you watched that turned you into an Otaku??

Happy Otaku Girl @happyotakugirl
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What is the 1st anime you watched that turned you into an Otaku??
Happy Otaku Girl @happyotakugirl
That would be No.6.^^
Let's all be friend's!^^

Happy Otaku Girl @happyotakugirl
Let's all be friend's!^^
Happy Otaku Girl @happyotakugirl
I just love to have fun!^^ I call everyone nicknames sometime's, I love fun anime's and manga. I just love dog's and cat's and sweet's! ★