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displaynamehere @purefault
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displaynamehere @purefault
I like recommending anime. I need more new friends. And I don't mind talking about weird stuff. haha

Serge @xathiel
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Serge @xathiel
Sombra mid lane. Go to baron at 15 and rush the payload. Gg ez.

Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
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Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g
Hello, and welcome to the site... Though it's advertised as a dating site, a majority of the members here treat it as more of an Otaku Facebook to socialize and chat. So please do check out the forums, and feel free to post around on other peoples walls as well. Just have some fun. And even if you don't find what you're looking for right away date wise. You're more than welcome to stick around, hang out, and chat.

Wesley-sensei @a_wesley_g if you're looking for anime recommendations, check out the "Anime News and Discussion" forum. There's a new season coming soon along with new recommendations, and the Fall season is coming to an end, so you can see anime recommendations from last season.