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Last online 8年弱 ago
Teslan @tthedragon left a comment for hakureioni
Aug 28, 15 at 7:21am
Hey, thanks for the add~ ~T
SoRiku @crazedyaoiotaku left a comment for hakureioni
Aug 18, 15 at 2:22pm
I've been cosplaying since Middle School. But I really only do it casually with friends :)
Aug 17, 15 at 6:03pm
YES! I can help you in every in which way. What kinds of places are you interested in and what are your concerns?
tsukiraki @tsukiraki left a comment for hakureioni
Aug 09, 15 at 11:30am
NOOOOOOOOOES!!!!! SAY IT AIN'T SOOOOO!!!!!! TT___TT!!!!!! Really?? Next year is the last year it's gonna be there? awww!!!! where is it going to be? Anime Next is a good one to go to, but this year was the last year that it was in Sumberset. Next year it's gonna be in Atlantic City, but all of my friends aren't likely gonna go. >.< Check out Animecons.com. it has a whole load of cons across the US. I'd suggest to go to anime next but i don't know how it's gonna be in it's new home. New York Comic con is also good...but...i haven't been there since 2009. last time i went it was pretty cool though. Never been to Boston, but i really would like to go next year. But i guess that's up in the air, gotta start saving for Otakon XD
Be_Mindful @be_mindful left a comment for hakureioni
Aug 06, 15 at 8:52pm
I am doing good, thanks for asking =) How about you? And I see what your saying.... I hope maiotaku gets more publicity so that more people will join (especially people here on the east coast).
tsukiraki @tsukiraki left a comment for hakureioni
Aug 01, 15 at 2:12pm
I'm not sure...i don't think there are any local cons for me to go to this year >.< but next year i hope to go to Anime Boston or at least Anime Next....ah....i should make plans to go to Otakon o.o TT__TT I really wanted to go this year!!!! how good was it?? did you go to to any of the concerts??? I really feel like crying!!! when i missed it in 2013 I balled into tears..... TM Revolution!!!!! Ok!!!! Time to start the "Otakon 2016 fundraiser!!!!!!" I shall not miss anymore Otakons nya!!!
tsukiraki @tsukiraki left a comment for hakureioni
Jul 30, 15 at 11:45pm
No I didn't.
hannah10 @hannah10 left a comment for hakureioni
Jul 02, 14 at 8:05am
This account has been suspended.
Jan 20, 14 at 9:21pm
Uhmmm my favorite animes are FMA and Yu Yu Hakusho
Just joined the site! Looking forward to meeting a lot of cool people here
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