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Kogitsune/ Little Nico @munfurawa
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Kogitsune/ Little Nico @munfurawa
actually im quite a greek geek myself lol back when i was younger i was obsessed with greek myths. and hades is one of my favorite male gods!

Kogitsune/ Little Nico @munfurawa
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Kogitsune/ Little Nico @munfurawa
thank you for accepting my request mr.hades-san! i hope to become good fewndos with chuu! ^^

marenette @marenette
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marenette @marenette
Your welcome hades
Keeping my sanity

[MLG]Hades116 @hades116
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Keeping my sanity
[MLG]Hades116 @hades116

Cool pic
Keeping my sanity

[MLG]Hades116 @hades116
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Keeping my sanity
[MLG]Hades116 @hades116
Wow how did u write this much long paragraph