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Liebe_ist_Krieg @liebe_ist_krieg
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Liebe_ist_Krieg @liebe_ist_krieg
Cool, I'll add you and I doubt you are nerdier than me. XD

Liebe_ist_Krieg @liebe_ist_krieg
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Liebe_ist_Krieg @liebe_ist_krieg
Same here. However, they do have alot of anime showings and other goodies. It is a fun con. It will be my third year going since it started. :3 hope to see you there. Ah, have skype or Facebook?

Liebe_ist_Krieg @liebe_ist_krieg
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Liebe_ist_Krieg @liebe_ist_krieg
I know with rpgs, I like writing out my part from scratch. lol. Something like gaiaonline--I could never get the board games or the live rpgs...when they run around outside. Which, I admit...look like fun. Well, if you interested in meeting. You should go to EXP con! I will be there and practically glued in the videogame room. xD
1 thing that ticks me off (VENT PEOPLE!)

Greziz @greziz
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1 thing that ticks me off (VENT PEOPLE!)
Greziz @greziz
Ore no Imōto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai is a very fun anime ^.^