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nagisatsukino @nagisatsukino
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nagisatsukino @nagisatsukino
You're welcome~
So whatcha up to?
what kind of anime's do you like?

nagisatsukino @nagisatsukino
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nagisatsukino @nagisatsukino
Welcome on MaiOtaku!
i hope you find some awesome friends! :)
\(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/
x Nagisa

green200 @green200
green200 @green200
I am a Theatre Tech Student majoring in Sound. most of my past few years were spent at work for Music Mayhem the Online game. which iiI have got coming to IWCC in the fall of 2013. a full 3 day event of fun and game before the inital show.
I have lived in two different states North dakota and Iowa. I am planning on working with a Major record label/Stuio out in Cali. when I get my Degree.

green200 @green200
green200 @green200
Hey Im new!