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Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
A Wisconsinite!!!!

bunnylover27 @bunnylover27
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bunnylover27 @bunnylover27
Hello! Thank you for the welcome :)

goodguydad @goodguydad
goodguydad @goodguydad
Looking for my Café Maid. Is that too much to ask?
My own "looking for relationship" thread

goodguydad @goodguydad
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My own "looking for relationship" thread
goodguydad @goodguydad
I mean, everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and that's fine. I just find no reason to post in a thread that has nothing to do with you and throw in snide comments about what you think and feel. Doing that does classify you as a jerk. Having an opinion has it's place, but it's place is not in someone else's thread unless asked for. And as for the "i want to speak to your manager" comment...really? again, your opinion is not wanted or needed here. And in most cases, I AM the manager they want to talk to. I guess I can't expect much from the Internet though. Everyone has an opinion and since they're behind a keyboard they feel like they have to share it. And sheltered life? I work 50+ hours a week, have a daughter, and have friends and family I see when I'm not working my ass off. People like you who probably work part time (if at all) are the problem. Sure, I'm stubborn. I have my own ideals and I stick to them, but that's a character trait, not a flaw. I'd rather know who and what I am and stick to it than go back on forth saying one thing and then another later. if you think I'm an ass? That's fine, that's your opinion, but there's no need to post about it. Make your own thread and talk about me if you want, I really couldn't care. I wouldn't come to your thread and bash you, nor would you want me to.
My own "looking for relationship" thread

goodguydad @goodguydad
commented on
My own "looking for relationship" thread
goodguydad @goodguydad
don't know what your problem is, but everywhere I see you, you're just a bowl full of negativity. No point in posting if you're just gonna be a jerk. No wonder hardly no one even uses this anymore with people like you on here. If I were doing something wrong, I would be fine with a message and i would remove it. being a sarcastic dick doesn't do anything but drive people away. Thanks though.