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Gitomu @gitomu
Gitomu @gitomu
I am. Probably next week, when cinemas are opening up again. I've been spoiled though... Sadly.
Demon slayer movie

kamiccolo @dbzgirl13
Demon slayer movie
kamiccolo @dbzgirl13
Anyone going to see the demon slayer movie soon?
What's the hardest part about dating YOU?

Gitomu @gitomu
commented on
What's the hardest part about dating YOU?
Gitomu @gitomu
Mm. Most likely the fact I could be too laid-back sometimes. Reserved. I mean, I speak from experience... She wanted to talk something out, I wanted to sleep it off... xD

Gitomu @gitomu
commented on
Gitomu @gitomu
Sure, but for most looking to connect I probably am not too local... I'm from The Netherlands. Actually, next to dating just chatting would be nice too.