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GesuYaro @gesuyaro
GesuYaro @gesuyaro

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dragonflylori @dragonflylori
This account has been suspended.

sam_140 @sam_140
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sam_140 @sam_140
No problem :6
What do people here think about the death penalty?

GesuYaro @gesuyaro
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What do people here think about the death penalty?
GesuYaro @gesuyaro
Well to me I feel like a person who deserves the death penalty need to fit into one of the two categories. Either they have to a terrible mass murderer or if they are a rapist. To me it doesn't matter what kind of person they are or whether you are male or female. If you end up like that thenI feel that the death penalty is the best suitable punishment. Although rapist may not receive the death penalty I feel like they should. This is just me though so sorry if you think differently. It's just what I think so if you disagree that alright.
Ever feel like you will never meet "the one"?

GesuYaro @gesuyaro
commented on
Ever feel like you will never meet "the one"?
GesuYaro @gesuyaro
I meet her but I fucked up and now all I can do is hope that she still has my number and if not then I guess that's it since whenever something important happens to me I somehow find a way to fuck up.