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gero_bero @gero_bero
gero_bero @gero_bero
well I tried XD

gero_bero @gero_bero
gero_bero @gero_bero
Love is that,love is this.You know what true love is?Living 50 years with another person and still having sparks for them after seeing absolutely worst of them

gero_bero @gero_bero
gero_bero @gero_bero
i dunno what im i supposed to do here XD
Official Bugs and Suggestions Thread 2

gero_bero @gero_bero
commented on
Official Bugs and Suggestions Thread 2
gero_bero @gero_bero
my message notifications are still showing after i read them.Can you please fix that?Thanks either way
What I Want in a Women

gero_bero @gero_bero
commented on
What I Want in a Women
gero_bero @gero_bero
Dont act be yourself( are free to be crazy,strange or whatever) and instead of makeup...just wear ponytail (Oh come on its the bes....(-‸ლ)...i will need humor 101 -.-