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Amezuki @amezuki
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Georgia In September
Amezuki @amezuki
Ow, I can see how that would all combine to create a problem.
Under 5' tall and with peripheral vision issues--that would create challenges all over the place, even in a tiny car like a Mini. I can respect being aware of your limitations and making the choice not to take the risk, though.

Amezuki @amezuki
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Georgia In September
Amezuki @amezuki
That's gotta be tough. Unwillingness to drive, or inability? It seems like the choice of words was deliberate.

Georgia In September @georgiainseptember
Georgia In September @georgiainseptember
I can't even afford to go to cons, unfortunately. The unwillingness to drive limits job possibilities, especially in a place where people that -can- drive aren't getting jobs at the moment.
So right now, getting some friends is the best I can do. I was never so great at keeping any back in my school days.
Hey fellow otakus!

Georgia In September @georgiainseptember
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Hey fellow otakus!
Georgia In September @georgiainseptember
Hey Sean, nice to meet you, I'm Anne.
Welcome, and if you wanna talk, feel free to send me a message anytime!

Georgia In September @georgiainseptember
Georgia In September @georgiainseptember
Well, just stopping by this section to say hello really.
I'm 26, just joined the site.
Hope to be glad I found this place, maybe at least make some new friends.
Talk soon!