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Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
Summer's here, plans?

Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
Eh, at least you got your priorities straight man. I need to do that myself. What games do you have queued up? You're not a fan of pick-up games, like fortnite and the like? I feel like most people at least can get in a few games of fortnite or WOW or w/e it is that interests them. It's only those console or PC games w/ stories and the like that are difficult to finish. For example the Assassins Creed in the Desert. I hear a lot of people never finished it, b/c it was too long o.O.

Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
Yep that happens. And as usual I congratulate people for not being able to hop on much b/c then they have a real life lol. Good to see you busy holmes. Maybe some day I'll be as busy as you and barely come on as well lol. I'll drop you the occasional "how ya doing" every so often just check up on you then lol.

geekboiowo @geekboiowo
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geekboiowo @geekboiowo
I don't fear death, by I do fear the pain involved in dying. Not a lot of people are fortunate enough for a swift and painless death.
But death as a whole? We are all made of the same basic matter that composes the universe, and to be afraid of death is to desire to be more than what I am. I will always be part of this universe, even in death; although, I am curious about what happens to what I perceive to be my consciousness once I am dead. I'd like to believe in a higher power that has orchestrated everything, but without proof it's just wishful thinking.
What has your experience with this site been like?

geekboiowo @geekboiowo
What has your experience with this site been like?
geekboiowo @geekboiowo
Personally, I've had a really good time getting to know people here, but I've heard some mixed things about the experiences here.
Be as specific or vague as you feel comfortable. I'm just curious as to how my experience has differed from others.
Jul 1-4
Jan 13-14
Jul 4-8
Jul 4-7