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m o c h a @fuyuki
m o c h a @fuyuki
woah i thought i lost this account but ig i just forgot my username whoops- :v

Baka @reinhardt76 ┐(゚~゚)┌

m o c h a @fuyuki haven't been on here for like 8 months ;w;

Baka @reinhardt76 (´∀`) Welcome back, place hasn’t changed much

m o c h a @fuyuki tyty this place seems the same as i last remembered it

Baka @reinhardt76 |ω・)Enjoy yourself *teleports behind you fading away into the quiet comfort of the night*

m o c h a @fuyuki thankss~ I hope to make some new friends on here hehe uwu

m o c h a @fuyuki
m o c h a @fuyuki
So I was offline yesterday
And I decided to check my laptop for dms
And there were 10+
Like wtf
I was only offline for like 24 hours
How do people even find me?? (・_・ヾ

Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya People can send a lot of dms sometimes and I know sometimes people will try to go right to DMs

Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya
left a comment for
m o c h a
Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya
How are you doing today Fuyuki? ^-^ any anime that you're looking forward to?

m o c h a @fuyuki I'm doing pretty good ^^ Thanks for asking!
I'm looking forward to the season 3 of Attack on Titan and the Yuri! on Ice movie (^_^;)

Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya That's great ^_^ I'm really looking forward to the 5th part of JoJo's! I'm sure the Yuri! on Ice movie will be good!

Maddie-chan @kyonsuzumiya What's your favorite vocaloid? Favorite vocaloid song?

m o c h a @fuyuki My favorite vocaloid characters are Kaito and Len ^^
I really liked the song 'The Disease called Love', 'Ifuudoudou', and 'Mind Brand'

m o c h a @fuyuki My favorite vocaloid characters are Kaito and Len ^^
I really liked the song 'The Disease called Love', 'Ifuudoudou', and 'Mind Brand'
sup doods

m o c h a @fuyuki
commented on
sup doods
m o c h a @fuyuki
Ah really? I'm glad then.
sup doods

m o c h a @fuyuki
commented on
sup doods
m o c h a @fuyuki
tyty, i'm glad to be back here again