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ja1012222 @jason101
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ja1012222 @jason101
hi i am jason how are u

ThraceVidar @thracevidar
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ThraceVidar @thracevidar
its pretty fun have you been to any of the dfw conventions ?

ThraceVidar @thracevidar
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ThraceVidar @thracevidar
How are you? All well i would hope,
Dallas Otakus

FullMetalRussia @fullmetalrussia
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Dallas Otakus
FullMetalRussia @fullmetalrussia
im part of the anime metroplex meetup group but some of the places they meet are kinda far from where i live. and yeah its kinda hard to meet other otakus outside of conventions.
Do you consider yourself picky?

FullMetalRussia @fullmetalrussia
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Do you consider yourself picky?
FullMetalRussia @fullmetalrussia
Im the same way. I'd really like it if my future boyfriend was an otaku and liked video games like I do. Even though I'm not a hardcore player I might become one if I had someone to play with. Similar interests are a must for me.