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Makoto @night
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Makoto @night
A friendly hello to a fellow Canadian otaku! What anime do you like? ^^

temporalphoenix @temporalphoenix
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temporalphoenix @temporalphoenix
Hey there

Dokuji @chibisoul
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Dokuji @chibisoul
harro :3
Anime north!!!!!!

Fueled @fueled
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Anime north!!!!!!
Fueled @fueled
D: If only were taller and sexy enough. I adore Hagi.
IS it worth going to art school?

Fueled @fueled
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IS it worth going to art school?
Fueled @fueled
I'm currently attending an art school myself. I'd say it might be a good idea if you want to go into an art career, that way it shows that you have some background knowledge with the arts. Plus, going into the art might be best to have whatever you can. I'm only first year, but so far this is my opinion.