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Elz @enerezu
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Elz @enerezu
I already know the basics. I wanna learn how to construct a sentence! *throws fist in the air*

Elz @enerezu
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Elz @enerezu
That's ok! I learned a lil japanese from a ds rom so I'm still learning the basics XD You should teach me some of nihongo you know if you don't mind!

Elz @enerezu
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Elz @enerezu
Hai! *nods* Arigato!
ITS now time to present, what you have all been waiting for, the VIRGINITY CLUB

JimmyBlah @fry3211
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ITS now time to present, what you have all been waiting for, the VIRGINITY CLUB
JimmyBlah @fry3211
This is like 4chan, minus the Hentai
ITS now time to present, what you have all been waiting for, the VIRGINITY CLUB

JimmyBlah @fry3211
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ITS now time to present, what you have all been waiting for, the VIRGINITY CLUB
JimmyBlah @fry3211
Oke... PokemoGOppai-Himesama :^)
Oct 31-Nov 3
Apr 4-6
Oct 30-Nov 2
Mar 20-22