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elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
Ich bin mir sicher! :D

The pingu meme guy @ilikegundams
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The pingu meme guy @ilikegundams
the meaning of fun
F is for friends who do stuff together
U is for you and me
N is for anywhere and anytime at all
Down here in the deep blue sea!

elhaym @elhaym
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elhaym @elhaym
Speziell auf positive Art und Weise - denke ich :D
What's your favorite RPG?

foxgold @foxgold
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What's your favorite RPG?
foxgold @foxgold

Dragon Age is awesome. Purely awesome, but what's even better in my opinion is Mass Effect. God. I have lost sooooo many hours in the original trilogy, but none was wasted.