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InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
That's good! I'm the same myself, I'm getting very sleep as well being busy and what-not but yeah I'm good, thank you for asking :3 Mostly been busy with stuff, finishing up college and part-time job and all that stuff XD Right now, I'm sitting back and relaxing, watching some Youtube videos and trying to multi-task by playing a game as well XD I'm not good at multi-tasking so I'm not doing too good at that x_x

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
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InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
Hello to you too! :D Ah don't worry about that X3 And you're welcome! Thanks for the invite :3 How are you?

featherspectrum @featherspectrum
featherspectrum @featherspectrum
Heh.. I've spent far too much time curled up in bed reading fanfiction this morning. How unproductive... uvu;;
Thought I'd share my Watamote doodles

featherspectrum @featherspectrum
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Thought I'd share my Watamote doodles
featherspectrum @featherspectrum
A fellow artist I see!
Nicely done! :0