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35 year old Female
Last online 13年弱 ago
nice to meet you nya~, im going to do Zack Fair at my next con, so tell me more about yourself nya~ =3
Mar 18, 10 at 6:21pm
ah I got ya, not that I travel much but I know things can be boring when you're by yourself
Mar 18, 10 at 11:20am
hey what's up?
Cool, hope you have a good time there. Myself I'm got the day off from work so I'm just killing time on my laptop and XBOX 360. That and getting ready for the concerts and cons I plan on going to this year, and the possibility of going on state active duty should it start flooding anytime soon up further north or along any of the rivers. Oh, we'll found out soon enough for sure. And like I said earlier have fun w/ that dance and take care. Later!!! ;)
Hey Fallen, anything new lately?
Hey Fallen, anything new lately?
Well, the weekend isn't too bad right now. It's a bit cloudy during drill today. And because of "POSSIBLE" state active duty deployment, my unit, or most of it, will helping out any problems w/ any future flooding. Other than that, not much else. Take it easy. Later!!! ;)
Germany hugh? When did ya get up there? I just got back from a concert in S.F. where Halestorm, and Adeleta's Ways played at Nutty's North. I'm staying at a friend's place tonight before I head home in the morning, and then come back later for a club meeting. Then this weekend I've got drill w/ my Nat. Guard unit. So I got plenty to keep me busy this weekend. Take it easy and have fun in Germany! Later!!! ;)
Another fellow otaku from the great midwest. What's up and how ya doing?
hotchkip @hotchkip left a comment for FallenAngelVIII
Mar 03, 10 at 5:01pm
If you want the real con experience you have to go to some of the others around here, like Anime Detour, Anime Iowa, and Nebraskon. Those are all pretty close and alot of fun ^_^