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nyxstardust @nyxstardust
left a comment for
Kosuke Shikyokiba
nyxstardust @nyxstardust
This account has been suspended.

Lolita assassin @nanoe
left a comment for
Kosuke Shikyokiba
Lolita assassin @nanoe
Im sorry it took me so long to reply. moving to japan sounds very nice. I wish I could afford it. I could talk hours about it with you. you seem like a cool guy.

Kiyomi x Metalcore. @vishia
left a comment for
Kosuke Shikyokiba
Kiyomi x Metalcore. @vishia
Golddigger? I paid for a lot of things when you were here. I just broke up because of the distance. Chill the fuck out and just leave me alone. You're insane.
Volunteers To Add Conventions

Kosuke Shikyokiba @eri_kun
commented on
Volunteers To Add Conventions
Kosuke Shikyokiba @eri_kun
suuugoooiii (sweet), im first X3, i like to sign up please =D
New Forums - Alpha

Kosuke Shikyokiba @eri_kun
commented on
New Forums - Alpha
Kosuke Shikyokiba @eri_kun
thank gawd i messed up a few times myself the forum needs a delete button >.>