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Out of order @madyblack3
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Out of order @madyblack3
No I haven’t I’m afraid

fable_seik @fable_seik It is a okay harem but a really good mystery. It also is an okay romance. They do a lot of fan service unfortunately.

Out of order @madyblack3
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Out of order @madyblack3
Yeah most anime romance is weird

fable_seik @fable_seik Well weird is okay in small amounts.

fable_seik @fable_seik Ever watch Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru?

Out of order @madyblack3
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Out of order @madyblack3
Is that you’re favourite anime?

fable_seik @fable_seik Yeah, I like natural romances like that. Not all this fan service or the "Will you go out with me?" cliché.
1 sentence 1 story

fable_seik @fable_seik
commented on
1 sentence 1 story
fable_seik @fable_seik
Fall down the stairs and into the living room!