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Exiled King @exiledking
Exiled King @exiledking
This is goodbye i guess....

Excaliborg @excaliborg No! Dont do this to me Kiritsugu! :(

Exiled King @exiledking
Exiled King @exiledking
No one loves me? Lol i have no messages

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
left a comment for
Exiled King
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
Welcome to MO!
Hope you enjoy your stay here!
Count to a Million

Exiled King @exiledking
commented on
Count to a Million
Exiled King @exiledking
Four thousand-two hundred- and sixty-five
Count to a Million

Exiled King @exiledking
commented on
Count to a Million
Exiled King @exiledking