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Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
That sounds pretty neat, reminds me of cities like London and Tokyo. Sometimes I wish we had the same thing in smaller cities as well. It would make traveling a lot easier. I've only been on a train in Chicago before, but I've always struggled to hear what the dispatcher is saying over the intercom, so it frightens me to try the subway or other modes of public transportation, since I wouldn't know where to get off.
Neverland @dakoya
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Neverland @dakoya
Hey m8, could you tell me something you like and something you dislike about living in NY?
embralhurikane @embralhurikane
embralhurikane @embralhurikane
Building profile..
Motivational thread!
embralhurikane @embralhurikane
commented on
Motivational thread!
embralhurikane @embralhurikane
Resident Evil 2
embralhurikane @embralhurikane
Resident Evil 2
embralhurikane @embralhurikane
i played the one shot demo and I am hyped!
Just sucks that it was only 30 min. I know that there are ways around it but I'd rather just wait for the full game. :D
Oct 8-10
Jun 8-10
Jun 7-9
Aug 17-19