Eevee @eevee
Eevee @eevee
I'm on for bit..but i seem to get more otaku fans from okcupid then on here lol weird!
ichigotom @ichigotom
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ichigotom @ichigotom
Hahaha i should've guessed u buy a lot of toys, at least ur money is being spent on something u love so much. Most of my toys from when i was a kid were handed down to my younger bros, me being the oldest out of us.
Ill buy a toy as well from time to time if it brings back a memory from when i was young, i like do things like that from time to time. Ah cool yugioh figures, i still have the cards i used to collect from when i was a kid inside a binder lol, still i m good condition as well.
ichigotom @ichigotom
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ichigotom @ichigotom
I lost some money a few times to, i believer around forty or so playing the carnival games, i won a few prizes, but not many. It wasnt a total waste and i had fun doing it, so i guess it was worth it.
Usually i just buy food at the carnivals and thats pretty much it. Ive been to a couple of ones that had arts and crafts and the like, they had good music and good food, and all in all were pretty fun. Normally i go with my family or like my cousins or friends to these, its more fun that way lol.
Never been to medieval one though, that sounds like fun, i love medieval stuff, specially the costumes and the stories :). Lol u sound like me, i tend to overspend on stuff alot to, not so much at hot topic because i only go to the mall when i have alot of spending cash on hand.
But i do like to buy alot of movies, games, and some clothes. Alot of my clothes are old and raggedy, got holes in them, i wear stuff til its like really falling apart. I gotta update my wardrobe and soon ><. I like to wear my clothes a bit baggie and big, i think its more comfortable that way and i like the extra room :3.
Haha alot of tshirts, thats cool, u must really like shopping for clothes huh. And yeah shopping for clothes when on a diet u need to be extra careful, u could end up buying to small to the point the buttons fly out when u try to snap them or to big and ur pants fall down XD. Pants with straps on the side haha yeah sexyness indeed :). All those old clothes that dont fit, u should take them to the flea market, u could make urself some good money that way i think.
ichigotom @ichigotom
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ichigotom @ichigotom
Lol good morning or should i say good evening being it is nighttime outside, black as can be :O. Ugh i never wanna get out of bed or need to find a real good motivator for wanting to ><. But u gotta rise and shine if theres things to be done right.
U enjoy doing chores or do u hate em like me, cuz i cant stand doing chores myself -_-. Haha what kind of dog do u have, i have two myself, one husky and one australian shepherd and collie.
Ah i've never gotten the chance to play one of those dunking games, but i've watched it a couple of times and its funny as hell. Glad to know u had a good time though, thats what its all about.
Haha thats good u could help ur friends out by playing translator for them, although im guessing it had to be a pain to try and help both sides communicate though lol. Nah i think with my fish, it was just bad luck and i had cats as well, so i doubt their fish will go through the same thing. Yeah the prizes they offer at the carnival arent worth the money u pour into it, u can buy nicer stuff at the store for a whole lot cheaper.
Eevee @eevee
Eevee @eevee
Just got on real quick to say,won't be on much!
been very busy
P.S- Also think i meet someone in my town that a otaku and pokemon fan! woot woot!
let see how this goes x3
Sephiroth @sephiroth777
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Sephiroth @sephiroth777
Espeon.....i mean Eevee lol check ur inbox
Eevee @eevee
Eevee @eevee
morning doing chores!
ichigotom @ichigotom
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ichigotom @ichigotom
True its nice to do stuff for ur bf or gf at the carnival and show off for em, but me personally as well, id rather buy her something nice than waste it on a carnival game i may not win in the first place :/.
Haha it sounds like u would be easy to please then when it comes to buying u stuff, thats good, some people just want the world on a silver platter delivered to em. Oo wow u got all the hookups dont u lol, i usually only go to the flea markets and the bazaars when i got some extra spending cash and i usually know how to make out like a bandit when it comes to buying stuff, be it posters, movies, toys, comics, or what have u for my room.
But being a vendor would have its perks and u would definitely know how to talk people down and haggle with them to get a good deal on stuff. Plus if ur able to hook up others with good deals or resell some stuff u bought at a lower price for higher in return, u can make a nice profit as a result.
Lol sounds like u should go into sales for a career, ill bet u would be good at it. I love finding rare stuff as well, especially if u can get it for dirt cheap and the people dont know what kind of a treasure they have on their hands, rare things like that are the best to buy, like old books for example, a friend of mine bought a box of old books for 20 bucks and some of the ones she found were worth thousands they were so old. ur friends sound like they got a good variety in taste as well, its good ur able to find everything they want and get em good deals on it, it would make for a good friendship indeed XD.
Ah so the ryo-ohki plush must mean a whole lot to u huh, lol hold onto it and treasure it for sure. Ooh gaara plushie, saw one of those in the store one time, why the heck didnt i buy it, i love gaara man D:
ichigotom @ichigotom
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ichigotom @ichigotom
Its also a good way of coming out of ur shell and shaking off the shyness as well, its one way ive become more confident to hehe. Lol i could've guessed u really loved ur plushies lol, guess it would be the same with me and my movie and game collection, although i cant cuddle that XD.
Hahaha idiots, i only spent money one time on trying to win a gold fish that was when i was seven. I did win but it died after two days -.-. And yes they should've just went to some place like walmart to buy one and just say they won it lol, wouldve saved em a world of trouble and a wallet full of money.
Ah ur the savvy shopper type to huh, believe me im about as cheap as it comes to most stuff, like food, clothing, games, movies, and most necessities. I try and spend as little as possible to live within my means and save a bit of dough to have fun with, doesnt always work, but i've done good thus far.
ichigotom @ichigotom
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ichigotom @ichigotom
Well it sounds like u had a good time at the carnival though right, thats all that really counts haha. Lol well alot of times when it comes to carnivals, its mostly little kids and alot of teenagers that frequent them, i know a couple of the carnivals i go to in the summer are like that.
I mainly go for the food though, it being an italian and hispanic festival, the food is banging :3. U just gotta look a little harder and im sure u would spot the crowd thats within ur age realm, and no u dont look old in the least i must say :). Ah thats cool though, u should show off and be confident of how u look, u is a pretty girl and when u feel good about urself, taking pictures and showing the world how u feel is probably one of the best ways to let it out, plushie and all XD.