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EcchievingGreatness @ecchievinggreatness
EcchievingGreatness @ecchievinggreatness
Aaaand another breakup. Don't even think I updated my profile status during that one, smh. I seriously hate having to run around like a chicken with its head cutoff, looking for happiness...

EcchievingGreatness @ecchievinggreatness
EcchievingGreatness @ecchievinggreatness
Didn't even last a whole day... Barely lasted 12 hours, fuck. Most of that time I was sleeping, I mean, shit.

EcchievingGreatness @ecchievinggreatness
EcchievingGreatness @ecchievinggreatness
Aaaaand, single again. Haha, kms. This is why I don't like dating. I get snatched up like money & then get spent on useless shit.
A very pointless thing!

EcchievingGreatness @ecchievinggreatness
commented on
A very pointless thing!
EcchievingGreatness @ecchievinggreatness
Hullo, welcome! I'm sure you'll make a ton of friends, tbh ^w^
What To Do While You Have No Friends Online

EcchievingGreatness @ecchievinggreatness
commented on
What To Do While You Have No Friends Online
EcchievingGreatness @ecchievinggreatness
Hmmmm. Sleep tbh