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gonxuchiha @gonxuchiha
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gonxuchiha @gonxuchiha
Hey let's be friends

0megablaster @omegablaster
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0megablaster @omegablaster
You're welcome ^_^

yussif @yussif
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yussif @yussif
Hey, im hoping to find someone to dork out with too. I'm yussif, its nice to meet you. If you like murder mysteries i recommend Erased,also known as Boku dake ga inai machi, its new n iv just started watching it. If you're looking for someone to watch anime with, maybe we can watch it together through skype or something?

duckyperson @duckyperson
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duckyperson @duckyperson
I wonder which one was the duck XD
owO we are taking over.

duckyperson @duckyperson
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duckyperson @duckyperson
>:3 my plan to tak over the world by dreams is becoming successful. XD
That is so funny!
Sep 14-16
Sep 13-15
Sep 12-14
Sep 4-6