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Dragoon24611 @dragoon24611
Dragoon24611 @dragoon24611

Building my very own forge! To melt down all my metals! So I can make any swords desire or anything just about!

lucyheartfiliastars @lucyheartfiliastars
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lucyheartfiliastars @lucyheartfiliastars
um i'm the girl lucyholbrook with the mavis pic sorry^^

lucyheartfiliastars @lucyheartfiliastars
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lucyheartfiliastars @lucyheartfiliastars
um hi again its lucy holbrook my other account T^T wont let me log in and um like i said i'm not that pretty but your really nice

Dragoon24611 @dragoon24611 Ummm I don't remember who you are ?
Serious talk about a long term realtionship

Dragoon24611 @dragoon24611
commented on
Serious talk about a long term realtionship
Dragoon24611 @dragoon24611
Well said. I agree. Pretty much what I told her in a smaller version.
Otakon 2017 DC!

Dragoon24611 @dragoon24611
commented on
Otakon 2017 DC!
Dragoon24611 @dragoon24611
Lol last month you missed it.