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I noticed man! I see your phone attraction xD Then again, phones are a part of us nowadays :D If you want to add, my LINE is anyexhyde But I'm not super active so, if you don't mind the delayed replies xD I believe everyone is busy with their lives xD
Oct 26, 15 at 4:03pm
This account has been suspended.
xD its okay it was okay, i had to leave because the employees had stealing issues there and drugs and it was just a mess :/ which is dumb but! How are you doing? How is it all going for you C:?
yes, Asians and their asian apps xDD and thanks, I finally have more friends on Snapchat :D I might not do much with it but I certainly can stalk you and view a portion of your life from now on xDDD (that campus food looked good :V)
exactly xD I can't understand people who go here 24/7... its already a waste of your life to spend it entirely online D: but its true- its hard to abandon the wonderful people on here ^^ and tbh, I don't use Line and Wsp that often as well hehe Snapchat is fine with me, though I only read and rarely post. In any case, anyexhyde is my user ^^ go ahead and add me if you wish to do so :D
What does the friends sidebar even do? Seems like not everyone from my list shows up there, and sometimes the names are red and sometimes they're not. Someone enlighten me please ;___; http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-R0h-5fYGJrc/UBKNTq32dzI/AAAAAAAADmk/qqywqfOxk1s/s1600/pikachu+gameboy+confused.gif
‎Lunatic of strife @saberwing I presume red means they are online. As for the sidebar in general it's just so you can quickly click on somebody and start a chat.
Greetings friend
You're welcome!! ^^ You can chat whenever you need someone to talk to :D I'm not always on here since I'm mostly busy D: But I guess everyone has something to do with their lives hehe
Oct 21, 15 at 2:24pm
No prob :3
No problem!
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Aug 14-16