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Last online 約5年 ago
Hahaha aw too bad but oh well I guess. I'm not planning on it so you'll just have to find some other way then. But you seem quite capable so I'm sure I'll have my work cut out for me. It wouldn't be very fun for you and if that were the case, you would have won ages ago and by ages ago I mean yesterday. If your endgame is to get insight into this mind though, you're going to have your work cut out for you lol. So now I'll have to adapt to your adaptations. Don't make it too hard for me. http://pa1.narvii.com/5890/af830f57b58ba5530026f84bcd3b9fc971eb654f_hq.gif
Look at that, we're already compromising, how adorable. Because we both know that I'll get some wins for sure. You're not wrong to be doubtful on this one. Lol well, I'm not exactly just mindlessly typing responses. There's usually more to be told than simply by what somebody says so I essentially agree with you. But what are you going to do now? Now I know how your information gathering works so I'll be able to get around it if need be. http://data.whicdn.com/images/151408158/large.gif
I'm sure you'll be ready, at this point I can't imagine you not being ready for it. But even so, I'm sure I'll sneak a few wins in every now and then. Me? Wink? No... I just had something in my eye. Allergies and such. ^^' I'm beginning to tell that you're holding back which makes it all the more interesting. I approve of your tactics though because I essentially do the same. Gotta gather up all the information so you know just what to do right? http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb480/Yumekichi11/Pciture%2022/b71188af.gif
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Daggera
Jun 09, 16 at 6:11pm
Cause my ship is one year strong. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) my greatest ship ever
Daggera @daggera So one ship makes you master then? Though a year does seem solid.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Daggera
Jun 09, 16 at 6:04pm
it might be too foggy for you to see it. But i can cause im ship master https://adahliavolk.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/img_92952.jpg
Daggera @daggera Oh? What makes you the expert ship master?
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Daggera
Jun 09, 16 at 5:51pm
I'll just leave this here https://camo.derpicdn.net/c303fd48deaa280e2a0dafd12fbc71a5c1e41c7e?url=http%3A%2F%2Ft.qkme.me%2F36cxj0.jpg
Daggera @daggera *squints* What ship? I see no ship.
Hm maybe not fully yet. You'll get to see and experience it at some point soon so I wouldn't worry. That's how I surprise the best, seem modest and mild. Oh you don't have to give up on it, just that I'll win in the end ^_~ Maybe I am and and you're right I don't know for certain. Come now, is it really that bad? You don't strike me as entirely evil, maybe just a little bit... http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/37786570/images/1422857301582.gif
I feel confident in saying that yes, you do know even with the head tilting. I think you have the capabilities to but you won't get me in the end. I haven't even stepped it up yet so don't count me out yet. Permanent prey? Oh is that a promise? Go ahead and be bold. I'm looking forward to it then. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0a/ce/69/0ace690c1ef3b8e169cfbf139879d6df.jpg
Jun 09, 16 at 4:17pm
Japan puts cats to work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8FGBRUw46Y Now I have one more thing to add to the list of things I want to do there.
Arc @arc woooow.....
Oh you know exactly what I mean. I do like deviousness though, I won't deny that. Yes temporary and no not blush! Not really anyways. Maybe I'm just seeming like I am to give you a false sense of power and victory hmm? That way I can secure my own win! http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6701uD8Nk1qltfc4o1_500.gif