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cyberflare @cyberflare
cyberflare @cyberflare
so im watching corpse party and im thinking "what's wrong with me"? lol

cyberflare @cyberflare
cyberflare @cyberflare
so im watching corpse party and im thinking "what's wrong with me"? lol

shadowy_flayer @shadowy_flayer
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shadowy_flayer @shadowy_flayer
Thank you. Nice to meet you! c:
does everyone friendzone??

cyberflare @cyberflare
commented on
does everyone friendzone??
cyberflare @cyberflare
Its not that bad being in the Friend zone guys, girls that have guys in the friend zone often trust them more then their actual boyfriend sometimes =)
Did you know anime is love?

cyberflare @cyberflare
commented on
Did you know anime is love?
cyberflare @cyberflare
You. are. my. Hero. hands down :D also I have Pokemon Y sorry for the late reply just got out of work :3