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28 year old Male
Last online 約1ヶ月 ago
Just learned Deployment love on acoustic, Totally worth it.
Man, my girl is funny lol she calls me the cutest names like "who the fuck are you?" And "how did you get in my house again?!" Then she invites her cop friends and we all play a game called "restraining order" lol it's an inside joke. You wouldn't understand...
Good-morning everyone, Hope you are all having a marvelous day, it's my day off today and i'm on my last week for my contract and with this company i'm working with, Groceries, bills and fun stuff. Oh-boy i love being grown and having big-boy pants. Stay Classy, My O'Taco's.
Do you like beer? i like beer... Fuck tea. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UG_Z3ky5lwE
tina11 @tina11 left a comment for Uninterested.
Jan 10, 16 at 2:34pm
This account has been suspended.
queenalle @queenalle left a comment for Uninterested.
Jan 10, 16 at 1:10pm
Nahh I'd say it's above average haha I'm enjoying myself to say the least :P That is an actual photo of me during my scene phase to be honest xD
queenalle @queenalle left a comment for Uninterested.
Jan 04, 16 at 7:59pm
It really is to be honest, not everyone on this site is as welcoming as others x3 kinda weird lol I'm honestly quite the awkward person in general though I'm warning you now haha but hopefully once we get to know each other more...that wont be much of an issue ^^
So who was the (Not his real skype name)"mysterious intellectual" guy from skype? Wasn't sure if the dude was trolling or if he was legitimately serious; The guy kept ranting about perverted stuff and panties like he never seen that stuff before, also kept asking if i wrote/read fan-fic and Yaoi. Well anyway, dude you we're cool and chill at first, but after you came off as creepy and kinda repressed, You came off as the type of guy whom acted profound and complex but in reality was the kid in the back of the class calling everyone else idiots because they don't understand the absurd philosophy you follow, like damn dude, no offence- but you might have some issues.
Think i found love, wow. She's amazing- we have so much to talk about and we seems to just "Click" without effort.
I have a Date with a beautiful girl today! Woohoo!!! I'm so fucking lucky!
xynox @xynox Get 'em, player.
Uninterested. @coffeelink Thanks fam, i know you got my back. Stay Real chiiiild!