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28 year old Male
Last online 約1ヶ月 ago
queenalle @queenalle left a comment for Uninterested.
Nov 25, 15 at 9:49pm
Thank you !! I've actually been on this site for quite some time but I kinda went on a four moths hiatus haha but I'm back now x3 hopefully for a long while lol I feel that, shall we skip all the boring stuff?? xD It's nice to meet you too !!
queenalle @queenalle left a comment for Uninterested.
Nov 24, 15 at 10:01pm
Ummm....hey xD
queenalle @queenalle left a comment for Uninterested.
Nov 23, 15 at 6:08pm
No problem ^^
Uninterested. @coffeelink Well... i mean... Hello.
Rin @rinookami left a comment for Uninterested.
Nov 23, 15 at 10:41am
well not so good living here xD i guess if i find a job i will find my way i mean for example i wrote novels and poems for years but after a while i just cant. i hid my feelings and my writings came from deep feelings. after that i had no choice to write yea talking in pm would be nice ^^ scifi isnt really my favourite. but i guess it is a very hard genre so you can be very smart if u write this :O well i guess my english knowledge is not enough to compare work :O
Those who always talk about it aren't about it.
Rin @rinookami left a comment for Uninterested.
Nov 20, 15 at 5:10am
my mother language is hungarian. I live in Hungary. i had to learn english for much years but after a time i lost my interest about it >< i dunno what i wanna do - this is my problem. i had hobbies but after a tragedy i lost every motivation for it. i liked to read and write novels, poems and watching asian dramas but now i just exist without every interest. my father is a hardworking people too, never resting. but i didnt inherit it.
Uninterested. @coffeelink Ah Hungarian, i never met much people from middle europe yet alone Hungary, Interesting. How is it there? And i can understand what it is to lose interest about something; it happens to me alot unfortunately. but every once i find something that truly catches my eye and then i'm addicted. Although i really need to be more attentive of stuff and finish things i start. Okay, i understand it's your problem; but hey if you ever wanna compare or discuss it; i have alot of things to say... perhaps i can help with this search? I understand what you talking about; when you say "losing motivation" for things in general and not having anymore strength to continue your passions, beginning of this year was extremely hard on me; infact this entire year was kinda tough on me. but thats life and all one can really do is accept it, respect it and move forward; regardless of what happend; we are here to endure and it is the things we endue that make us who we are. I won't go into details about what happened or nothing descriptive, but if you wish- i'm willing to speak and hear about mine and your stories in private message if you wish? and i like writing too... i havent read much lately though, i have alot of hobbies, some are more stronger than others. but i'm currently working on a Novel i wanna finish; my first one actually; it's a Sci-Fi Cyberpunk sorta theme. i got some positive reviews at the start but i feel i can improve in many aspects. Wanna compare work sometime?
Rin @rinookami left a comment for Uninterested.
Nov 19, 15 at 11:51am
Uhm at first sorry for the late answer but I needed using dictionary, cause my english not as perfect as yours >< you can fight for yourself , i like it :) well i'm looking for my life-goal. i dunno what i wanna do in my life or cant imagine what will be with my life after 1 year or 1 month or just tomorrow. but i believe that i will find something that light the way what is for me.
Ow, woke up feeling like i had a shot of tequila and an ass kicking.
Rin @rinookami left a comment for Uninterested.
Nov 18, 15 at 11:17am
yes it sounds so busy! you are a very ambitious person. im not kind of that, i just go what i must and wait what fate give me >w< I'm still search myself
Rin @rinookami left a comment for Uninterested.
Nov 18, 15 at 4:29am
Thanks to accepting! How are you?