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Jooper @jooper
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Jooper @jooper
Hello Thankyou for accepting the friend request :)

Caleb of the cancer @caleb_williams
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Caleb of the cancer @caleb_williams
Thank you for adding me so how are you doing today?

yyh @yyh
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yyh @yyh
Thanks for adding me sweetheart ;)

---- @chrissy
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---- @chrissy
Hallo Leo~ welcome to the site! :3
What are common reasons you stop talking to people?

---- @chrissy
commented on
What are common reasons you stop talking to people?
---- @chrissy
I try to avoid or brush off things most of the time since I tend to be patient with others but I can only be patient for so long- >w>
1) Constant short replies of just "Kk" "lol" "cool" - I automatically think that they aren't interested so I stop or find it harder to reply UoU
2) When someone sends me VERY perverted messages - I laugh easily and I love joking with friends but if someone I don't know sends me those kind of messages I get uncomfortable very fast ^^;;; and scared-
3) No, I'm not RPing sexual fantasies for you- I don't even know you - please stop- Q-Q
4) "So you're a School Girl~?"
"High school girl huh?"
"Do you wear a uniform-"
:") I'm not a fetish either please stop- (the amount of creeps on here is worrying-)
5) People validating my "worth" off my looks- especially when people get picky about body types, skin colour, make-up, hair, clothes etc etc to the point I realise they watch too much anime and don't realise both males and females have flaws too-
6) People with very superior attitudes - I was raised in a modest background so it's not their fault, it's simply something I cannot stand >~<
7) I work a lot (studying and part time job) and help my family often - there are times I take a while to respond and times where I'm free XD if they can't understand that then I won't be interacting very much.
Here it is~ (majority that is XD)