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cbhrandom07 @cbhrandom07
cbhrandom07 @cbhrandom07
I am backk. UwU

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio wb!

cbhrandom07 @cbhrandom07
cbhrandom07 @cbhrandom07

Merry Christmas.
Here is a doll

meisterman1985 @meisterman1985 Do you like Dollfies by Volks? They are prominent on Twitter.

cbhrandom07 @cbhrandom07
cbhrandom07 @cbhrandom07
I'm gonna be active from now on.
The "looking for a relationship" thread

cbhrandom07 @cbhrandom07
commented on
The "looking for a relationship" thread
cbhrandom07 @cbhrandom07
Hi there my name is shaylen, I am a 16 year old boy/girl? I am planning on transitioning to female in the future, I always wanted to be a female from 2014 afer I changed my character's gender in the game MonsterHunter(my favourite game) and after that I was thinking about gender change, when I was a kid I used to put nail polish and I love to grow my hair since I liked it, but when I realised Its possible to change your gender I was happy.I haven't told my family about this cause they will think I am stupid or crazy, so I will never tell them.when I grow up I will transition to female and begin this new life without family.
Okay enough of that,here is some facts about me:
I like them draw,make animations, my goal is to make my own animations on YouTube as a Web series.
I like cats(don't own one)
I watch youtubers(pewdiepie,jacksepticeye,markiplier)
I hate fortnite
I am weird
I am shy, well I'm Introverted.
I luv sweet stuff.
I love cakes,
I love chicken.
I really wanna try cosplay after I transition.
I love photography.
I never dated anyone in my life.
Favourite cartoon network shows are:
Regular show and
Amazing world of gumball.
I love spongebob, I was watching spongebob since I was little(about 2007)
I am not into dating guys I'm only interested in dating females.