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reprisal_1903 @reprisal_1903
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reprisal_1903 @reprisal_1903
Hallo~Welkom terug =). Blijkt toch niet zo goed te lukken qua activiteit zie ik! in ieder geval tot zo ver^^. Wanneer je terug bent, geef ff een gil op de forums!

Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
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Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
Welcome back

cathychan @cathychan
cathychan @cathychan
So i have been afk for awhile ^^ i am trying to be more active now
Thought I'd share my Watamote doodles

cathychan @cathychan
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Thought I'd share my Watamote doodles
cathychan @cathychan
Watamote is such an nice anime [=, you did a very nice job ^^
Studying Abroad

cathychan @cathychan
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Studying Abroad
cathychan @cathychan
Also, isn't it very expensive to transfer over to Japan as a student? just a question from an interested one here,