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GoIdfishy Ⴟ @urtv_unit667
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GoIdfishy Ⴟ @urtv_unit667
Nice to meet you as well.

PrincessAwkwardd @princessawkwardd
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PrincessAwkwardd @princessawkwardd
Nah it was fine :) lol I thought it looked good ^^

PrincessAwkwardd @princessawkwardd
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PrincessAwkwardd @princessawkwardd
Oh cool! Hehe I've always loved cosplaying X3
The Prisoner of Light

bleodsian @bleodsian
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The Prisoner of Light
bleodsian @bleodsian
I guess that you liked it then. That makes me glad.
Settling In

bleodsian @bleodsian
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Settling In
bleodsian @bleodsian
Never thought of it that way. Assumed that people naturally want to understand each other on a subconscious level but there's something wrong with me to actually have to think on it. I have trouble with names too. It is supposed to be the ultimate compliment if I remember someone's name. Pretty bad habit for someone who wants to be a teacher but I care about my potential students so I actually do remember their names but none of my colleagues.