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Hello Fellow Otaku/Anime Fans!

blackdoom900 @blackdoom900
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Hello Fellow Otaku/Anime Fans!
blackdoom900 @blackdoom900
Favorite anime are:
1. Welcome To The NHK
3. Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)
4.Gurren Lagann
5.Ergo Proxy
Hello Fellow Otaku/Anime Fans!

blackdoom900 @blackdoom900
Hello Fellow Otaku/Anime Fans!
blackdoom900 @blackdoom900
I'm here for likely the same reason most of you are. I'm here to meet and greet with all of you wonderful people! I am an anime critic and reviewer, who is very passionate about anime and manga! I have currently watched 206 shows altogether (not listed here at the moment) as of this post, so I may have unpopular scores. Anyways I hope to meet many of you and discuss this great form of art!