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AntaresEedin @antareseedin
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AntaresEedin @antareseedin
Hey! I've seen ya pop up in matches for the past few days, I don't wanna be a bother but I'd love to chat! I'm not after anything really, just a few weeby friends to nerd chat with haha :) Either way, take care Lulu!

amas123 @amas123
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amas123 @amas123
Hey, new to the site and I saw we have similar taste in genre. I've not seen Darker than Black yet, would you recommend it?

Lulu @beneath_themask
Lulu @beneath_themask
I tend to delete people I don't talk to, so I likely just deleted you if we hadn't talked in a while. It's nothing personal. But idk why you posted here to ask, just dm me

arch_human @arch_human
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arch_human @arch_human
Hi. I was a member on here once and even had you on Discord at one point, but I'm not sure what happened. I believe you removed me and I would at least like to know why? I'm not aware of doing anything wrong, or did I? :/ My Discord is Zander Soulwind. I'm not asking to add you again, I just want to know what happened.