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Fairwell, MO. Choco and Ge @badfanficdragon
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Bad Fan-fic Doctor
Fairwell, MO. Choco and Ge @badfanficdragon
Oh, a fellow condesewer of the fine literary artes, I see. Yes, I look forward to pladgeriiii mean, oh dear, how dubious of me. Go forth, young fledgling writer, and spew your ideals to the world. The great work remains undone, after all.
Vargus x Midoria
Bad Fan-fic Doctor @badfanficdoctor
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Vargus x Midoria
Bad Fan-fic Doctor @badfanficdoctor
Superb read
Bad Fan-Fic Doctor's Office
Bad Fan-fic Doctor @badfanficdoctor
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Bad Fan-Fic Doctor's Office
Bad Fan-fic Doctor @badfanficdoctor