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azuki_max @azukimax
azuki_max @azukimax
I could go to Akiba for the first time in recently pandemic lol !
It was amazing!

azuki_max @azukimax
azuki_max @azukimax
I joint one Anime subscription for a month as a free trial, and then next ones lol
I can watch high quality Anime for free lol

azuki_max @azukimax
azuki_max @azukimax
I started to wach Kemetsu - no - yaiba. So interesting!
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azuki_max @azukimax
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Are you looking for a Relationship or friends on this site?
azuki_max @azukimax

Plz follow me if ya would like to make freinds with me. I am Japanese anime otaku, and I may help ya about Japan or anime lol