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Personal Recommendation

auraphantom610 @auraphantom610
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Personal Recommendation
auraphantom610 @auraphantom610
Bokurano. It's not well known and an absolutely amazing show. Highly recommend to fans of Evangelion.
The Afterlife Battlefront Member Registration Form?

auraphantom610 @auraphantom610
commented on
The Afterlife Battlefront Member Registration Form?
auraphantom610 @auraphantom610
I would actually like to know if there is an actual Afterlife Battlefront Member Registration Form. I certainly would like to join! Anyways, I absolutely love Angel Beats! It's an anime that makes you feel so happy and so sad at the same time. The characters are fun, crazy, and absolutely charming. The anime club I'm in reminds me so much of the Battlefront. We're just a bunch of weird kids who get together and have an awesome time, minus the fighting of course. I just wish it would have lasted the intended 26 episodes instead of 13. That way we could get to know the other characters better.
Apr 19-21
Jul 26-28
Nov 1-3
Apr 11-13