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Atmos Fear

35 year old Male
Last online 9年以上 ago
Jul 17, 13 at 4:16pm
Right! I find death to be beautiful :D, i like it when there's blood everywhere even on the character, but acts so sweet and innocent :D
That Uke @thatuke left a comment for Atmos Fear
Jul 17, 13 at 4:13pm
I've actually noticed that a lot. My brother's dad says it often to people. It's something I for sure don't get. Haha. To my knowledge I don't have an accent. I can blend in pretty good, minus a few select words. An example being pop instead of soda. My mind gets confused where I am so I try to avoid the word all together now. Oh yeah, I am for sure the same. I can't deal with water that is too deep. I can't even deal well with boats. Not sure if you hear about Luna the killer whale or not. There was a tv speical on it. Well one time fishing, my family's boat had been pushed around by that whale. Terrifing for someone who didn't like water to begin with. Most of my gaming is done on the xbox. I do some PC gaming as well though. I enjoy first person shooters the most like Half-life, Left4Dead, Halo, and Battlefield. I sometimes venture to the RPGs, fighing games, and racers when I am bored or have someone to play with. What about you? I haven't read that one. What's it about?
Haha XD Horror movies are fun, but I prefer those that are less gore and more suspense. You know, like Otogiriso or Ring (the Japanese version; I "extremely disliked" the American version). I've never watched a horror movie in the theater, but I know that if I can get enough people in a group to request one, I can convince the local theater to have a public showing of whatever movie I wish them to play.
That Uke @thatuke left a comment for Atmos Fear
Jul 17, 13 at 3:01pm
I've been a legal resident for two years at least now. Maybe three? I don't even know anymore. I had been traveling back and forth between here and Canada before that though. I usually either play video games, swim (kind of funny I find it relaxing after being so scared of water just a year ago), or read. Been trying to get into other things as well though, like something that gets either my mind or body working more.
A cake cookie is really easy to make, you take cake mix an jusg change the amount of ingredients. I can get you the recipe. >///> and yes I did.
Ahh ^^ I'm not a very sympathetic or sentimental person, so it takes a lot for me to get misty-eyed, and it's usually related more to rising stress levels than nostalgia. Nostalgia either makes me feel extremely energetic and childish or calms me down to an almost meditative state.
Nice! I enjoy plays and operettas like G&S's the most. As long as the performance and production is good, any stage play can be made to seem new, funny, and up-to-date, even Shakespeare. Music doesn't usually bring tears to my eyes, but I do enter a deeper state of calm, depending on the emotional level of the piece.
Aika @aika left a comment for Atmos Fear
Jul 17, 13 at 2:39pm
Hey and thank you!:3 I'm thinking about cosplayibg WIM! Along with Reverse Rainbow with my Ne-San and slave master,Miku!:3
That Uke @thatuke left a comment for Atmos Fear
Jul 17, 13 at 1:25pm
Yeeeah. I get bored too fast sometimes. I've got a few projects I've been playing around with but my desktop (where I usually edit now) decided it no longer liked me and is acting beyond weird. Takes away from any PC gaming I want to do. Makes me sad. :( My writing huh? Well I am for sure not linking anything I have posted online. Horrible. I cringe everytime I happen to re-read the stuff. I am amazed I have people that follow my stories and want more. e_e Hmm~, I have on that I am currently working on. I had planned to make it yaoi further into the story, but now I almost question leaving it kind of open for the readers to assume what they wish. It's a Sonic fanfiction, human versions, if you are interested I can send you my draft for chapter one. I am still editing it and such so I have yet to post it on FF.net. All other stories that fall outside boys' love are still in my head and not written out yet, or at the very least don't have a lot written. Poems will be a little tricky for me to find since they are lost in my room somewhere...
Oh wait! Now I remember seeing The Music Man as well.