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Atmos Fear

35 year old Male
Last online 9年以上 ago
I've seen Little Orphan Annie, Oliver Twist, The Nutcracker, Seussical the Musical, the afore-mentioned Cats and The Mikado, a murder mystery I can't remember the name of, MacBeth, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Henry the V, The Tempest, and Othello. Probably more than that, but those are the ones I remember.
I got to see Cats and The Mikado live when I visited my aunt in DC, and there are two really big theaters in the nearest city (45 minutes away, but meh, worth it). I also have an aunt who lives in the area and used to take my sisters and me to a stage play or a movie every year between the ages of 10 and 18.
Cool! In your playlist, I liked the Mirai Nikki song and I definitely want to look into Girugamesh. I of course loved the instrumental ones, and the others interested me as well. In short, nothing I couldn't stand to listen to. A good playlist! I didn't add any of my JPop favorites on there, sadly, but oh well. Like I said, a lot had to be left out, haha.
Hell, I could make a playlist of just my favorite G&S numbers. LOL For example, here's my eleventh favorite song (and all of its renditions, not just this one.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NLV24qTnlg
LOL You only get ten! XP I had to leave out some of my favorites too! But I'll watch it anyway. I flipped out because I sent you a weird link that embedded the video for reals in the post when you look at it from the homepage. I like the music you sent me!
Grr, Sorry. Here's a playing playlist (I think... I wish Youtube would just decide on a way to be and stay that way. -.-") http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vQfFq9Az7s&list=PLsmETTOBkTR_tLsmYyvx9l_1Fqey-B9h1&index=1
Likewise. But it's okay if you don't. ^^ Most of the foreign songs are subtitled and have MVs to go with. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsmETTOBkTR_tLsmYyvx9l_1Fqey-B9h1
I'm about 5'Something". A lot of people are taller than me, but then again, I've met people who are shorter than me. I'll make the playlist; do you want me to link it to you once i'm done?
Sounds sweet! (No pun intended, I swear.) Yes, my skin is really pale. I inherited it; the pale-skinned allele runs in my family, thank you, England and Czech Republic. I use cosmetics to darken it for cosplays though. Besides, I don't tan, I burn, haha, probably because the red-head allele runs in my family too, again, thank you, Czech Republic. Come to think of it, I inherit a lot from my mother's Czech background.